Mission and Vision


The Education Center for the Gifted was established in 2002. Its work is focused on providing information to assist in recognizing and nurturing gifted children. The ECG is a member of the international organization NYEX (Network of Youth Excellence). ECG representatives participate in NYEX and other international organization conferences, provide information about opportunities for children to participate in international gifted children camps, and provide recommendations for gifted Lithuanian children to participate in these camps. ECG consultants hold seminars, provide consultation, and lead children, students, and parents in a variety of gifted education seminars and activities.

Vision – to effectively communicate the center’s work, seeking to unify all groups and individuals interested  in gifted education, and seeking quality innovative initiatives, supported by current  research in the field of gifted education.

Mission – to communicate current theory and practice in gifted education and creativity to teachers, parents, students and all who are interested; to assist in identifying specific challenges for gifted children, by recognizing how gifted children express talents and abilities; with significant attention to the practical skill development through teaching, consulting and structured seminars.


  • Provide information and practical competency in discovering and fostering students’ special abilities and creative strengths.
  • Organize lessons, seminars, and conferences, supported by the latest research in educational psychology and creativity.
  • Familiarize educators with current research in creativity and provide specific methods for identifying and fostering self-expression.
  • Provide professional consults for teachers, parents and children to assist in identifying and fostering special talents and abilities.
  • Participate in national and international projects and conferences, and providing the best, most current information to the Lithuanian educational community.

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©2025 Gabiųjų ugdymo centras. Sprendimas: VšĮ „Process Lab“ Solo Systems

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