Jaunimo konferencija SUSTAINERGY 4 Izraelyje


Laukite naujienų apie tarptautinę jaunimo konferenciją  SUSTAINERGY 4, kuri vyks 2016, lapkričio 23-287 d. Izraelyje. Joje dalyvavo ir moksleiviai bei studentai iš Lietuvos.

Daugiau informacijos: http://www.renewable-energy-eilat.org/sustainergy/

Žemiau rasite Rasos Giniūnaitės (University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom) įspūdžius iš konferencijos:

This August, 15-21, a delegation of 6 gifted young Lithuanian scientists was selected and sent by Educational Center of Gifted Youth and the embassy of Israel to the first World Science Conference Israel (WSCI-2015) in Jerusalem. Besides the other 400 students of age 18-21 from 70 different countries, the conference was attended by 15 Nobel laureates, Wolf Prize and Fields Medal winner and other preeminent scientists.

Throughout the conference not only did the students have an opportunity to attend the lectures by Nobel Prize Winners and other outstanding scientists about their inventions, motivation and difficulties faced but also they could have face-to-face meetings with the world leading scientists and receive even greater encouragement and impact on their future scientific career.

In addition, all the students were divided into international groups for the poster competition. Topics of the posters had to be multidisciplinary since group members were from various backgrounds from mathematics and computer science to biology and medicine. In the end of the conference team leaders had to present their ideas to the competent jurors which was challenging and rewarding experience for young scientists.

Besides these formal activities, WSCI was an exceptional opportunity to discuss ideas, and aspirations, with a global community of other young scientists which is crucial for the motivation and eagerness of talented students. Students of similar interests were able to start developing research projects together or discuss possibility of future collaboration for international projects.

The other important aspect of the conference was to convey the progress of science in Israel. They presented many of their inventions together with impressive application of science to industry. According to 2015 Bloomberg Global Innovation index, Israel is the 5th most innovative country in the world despite being a country with only 8 million habitants. This statistics and overall impression after participating in this conference shows that Israeli education system is really advanced and they manage to help and encourage their most gifted and talented students efficiently. Therefore, Lithuanians should try to learn as much as possible from this country by attending more conferences, organising students and teachers exchange programs and inviting them to our events. For example, NYEX (Network of Youth Excellence) has many programs in Israel for excellent young science students from which the most talented Lithuanian students could benefit significantly.

Israeli people are very keen on collaborating with other countries, therefore we should try to make initiative to establish a greater network leading to potential improvement of our education system including the development of gifted students.



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